What difference has the gospel of John made to your life so far?

We are now at the end of our series on John's gospel so there will be no more posts to this blog. However if you would still like to comment I will recieve notification of your contribution.

Thank you to those who have contributed and the blog will remain here for you to revisit the talks from the last six months or so.

We now have a new blog running at http://ashleyalive.blogspot.com so why not visit and see what's going on now.

Thursday, 13 March 2008

Jesus, Peter, Pilate and The Cross John 18 & 19

As we approach this special time of the year perhaps our thoughts are drawn to what Jesus did by going to the cross. Below is the passage from Frank Peretti's novel Piercing the Darkness which I read on Sunday. I like the way it describes the relationship between us The Cross and what Jesus did on it.

I could see that cross so clearly just as it must have looked on that bare forlorn hill 2000 years ago and I was flat on my face before it, so weighed down with my wrongs, my boasts my choices my self.

All I could do was lie there reaching out to that rough piece of wood like a drowning man reaches for a life line and grabbing hold for my very life. I had nothing to offer him, no incentive at all for Him to forgive me, not the slightest item of value with which to barter or cajole. All I had was what I was.

But He accepted me, my offering nothing more that myself was accepted I was what he had always wanted in the first place and he received me. He lifted the load from my heart and I could feel it go, I could sense it rushing up to that cross. I felt so light as though I would be carried away by the slightest breeze.

I was able to raise my head and saw the closing of our transaction; a trickle of blood running down the wood. The payment. I am free. I am ransomed. I am like a slave set free who was born a slave and never knew what freedom was like.

I want to get to know this Jesus who has ransomed me. We’ve only just met.

Piercing the Darkness: Frank Peretti

Sunday, 2 March 2008

A lesson from geese

Having just seen this power point for the first time it was well worth the wait. Thanks to Anita for bringing it to our attention.